Tangentially, what do recommend to less tech-savvy people?

  • @onlooker
    73 years ago

    KeePassXC on desktop, Keepass2Android on, you guessed it, Android. Still haven’t figured out how to sync across devices efficiently, though.

    • Ravn
      33 years ago

      I sync my database with syncthing and use KeePassXC on desktop and KeePassDX on android.

      • @onlooker
        23 years ago

        Another good option to consider, thank you.

    • Kohen Shaw
      23 years ago

      I store the database on my nextcloud server, and access it through the apps from my devices. Works well.

      • @onlooker
        43 years ago

        I actually run a nextcloud server, so I’ll give that a shot, thanks!