A chairdre! This is a continuation of our discussion from the previous post: https://lemmygrad.ml/post/395378

Firstly, the link to the essay collection in question: https://transreads.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/2021-07-15_60f0b3d5edcb7_jules-joanne-gleeson-transgender-marxism-1.pdf

Today, I’ll be reading the first essay in the collection, Social Reproduction and Social Cognition: Theorizing (Trans)gender Identity Development in Community Context - Noah Zazanis

Noah Zazanis is a Marxist feminist, epidemiological researcher, and unrepentant transsexual. He lives in Queens and writes and organizes when he can.

I’ll pull some quotes and make some notes.

I hope that this will spark a discussion, or at the very least someone will have a chance to learn a little something <3

Edit 1: The discussion continues here with the second essay by Michelle O’Brien here - https://lemmygrad.ml/post/397671

  • Seanchaí (she/her)OPM
    52 years ago

    Environmental influence is broken down into three main factors: modelling, enactive experience, and direct tuition.

    Modelling: family, peers, media all show people models of what gender roles/identities should look like. For most people, your earliest models will be your direct family

    Enactive experience: once you begin to perform your gender, the reactions you receive will help to shape your gender identity. For instance, a cis boy may wear makeup and be punished, teased, etc, and cease to wear makeup as he ages as a result. This is a form of enactive experience, where the constraints and performance of the role of man are shown to him through the negative responses he received to deviation from expected behaviours. This isn’t a trans thing: cisgender identity is largely a result of punishment for gender identity deviation. Boys are taught what is and isn’t manly. Girls are taught what is and isn’t feminine.

    Cisgender norms are not a given: they are reinforced and reproduced. This isn’t necessarily always a conscious effort. Seeing your mom and thinking: “this is what it means to be a woman” is not the same as your mom punishing you for playing sports because that’s “boy behaviour.” Cisgender identities are cultivated and reproduced often without intent, whereby cis people tend to believe it is the “natural” or “inherent” set of gender roles.

    In the same way, trans people (often before they are even aware of being trans) seek out and cultivate trans communities, where they are able to reproduce trans gender identities. These communities allow trans people to see models for gender roles that had previously been missing, to have enactive experiences that are affirming of deviation from cisgender norms rather than punitive.

    This is why trans communities are an essential part of transition for many trans people. By being able to overcome the internalized normativity of cisgender identity roles, a belief that transition can be meaningful and actually affect their material reality is often integral to taking the step to realization of trans identity and a desire to pursue transition.

    • Seanchaí (she/her)OPM
      52 years ago

      “For working-class trans people of colour, however, community identity development is most often necessarily inextricable from the reproduction of everyday life. Largely without the access to funding and medicalised legitimacy held by white-led NGOs, trans people of colour (particularly Black and Brown trans women) have developed extensive grassroots mutual aid networks and chosen familial structures”

      While the self-efficacy of interaction with other trans people is often essential to the social reproduction of trans identities, this is leveraged by gender criticals as proof of “social contagion.” That people who had otherwise internalized cisgender identity roles would remain cisgender if they hadn’t been “turned” by other trans people.]

      This has led to claims of “Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria.”

      However, if you consider the overwhelming amount of vectors for reproducing cisgenderism in children, and the acceptance of children who take on cisgender identity roles as authentic regardless of their age, this claim rings obviously false. The reproduction of cisgenderism is done through violence. The violence of the state, criminalizing trans women of colour, the violence of parents, punishing their children for deviation from cisgender identity norms, the violence of the medical establishment, reducing gender identity to a function of genitalia.

      • Seanchaí (she/her)OPM
        52 years ago

        Alright, this was a pretty good essay. Gonna take a break before tucking into the next one. Thank you for joining me, if you have <3

        I’ll leave off with this final quote:

        “Trans people are not distinguished by our victimhood. It is in cases of cisgender identification that this coercion has been most effective.”