A chairdre! This is a continuation of our discussion from the previous post: https://lemmygrad.ml/post/395378

Firstly, the link to the essay collection in question: https://transreads.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/2021-07-15_60f0b3d5edcb7_jules-joanne-gleeson-transgender-marxism-1.pdf

Today, I’ll be reading the first essay in the collection, Social Reproduction and Social Cognition: Theorizing (Trans)gender Identity Development in Community Context - Noah Zazanis

Noah Zazanis is a Marxist feminist, epidemiological researcher, and unrepentant transsexual. He lives in Queens and writes and organizes when he can.

I’ll pull some quotes and make some notes.

I hope that this will spark a discussion, or at the very least someone will have a chance to learn a little something <3

Edit 1: The discussion continues here with the second essay by Michelle O’Brien here - https://lemmygrad.ml/post/397671

  • Seanchaí (she/her)OPM
    52 years ago

    Alright, this was a pretty good essay. Gonna take a break before tucking into the next one. Thank you for joining me, if you have <3

    I’ll leave off with this final quote:

    “Trans people are not distinguished by our victimhood. It is in cases of cisgender identification that this coercion has been most effective.”