Which is an ironic thing considering America itself bought helicopters from Russia what are they going to do? sanction themselves now? The bill hasn’t been passed (yet) but it was earlier just a call from Marco Rubio I want to hear your opinions on the matter, do y’all think it’ll escalate any further?

Also, it’s interesting they want to do it now after blowing up that Nord pipeline.

  • @Shrike502@lemmygrad.ml
    112 years ago

    To add to what the others have said already, I think it’s also a general strategy to turn Russia into a “toxic active” so to speak. Not only are we getting sanctioned, but so does everyone doing business with us as well. Look at the newest pack of sanctions - we’re getting on the level of Iran and DPRK.

    In addition, those who can’t buy Russian weapons will be buying USian or European ones, which serves the interests of the western MIC - one of the main profiteers of the current Ukraine war.

    As for the helicopters - it’s only hypocrisy if others do it, when western politicians do it it’s “pragmatism”, “Realpolitik” or some other such junk.