I’m not even gonna bother with names because we are not on reddit anymore and they don’t deserve it anyway

  • @AgreeableLandscape
    2 years ago

    I think the most disturbing thing in this is just how prevalent it is. Seriously, it’s so bad that simply searching the names of certain benign cartoon characters (who are from media are completely SFW) is enough to expose you to CP, on the first page of results. Jesus Christ, how many fucking people are into cartoon CP for that to be happening?!

    Also: it doesn’t have to be explicit sex. Depending on the country, the definition of CP generally also includes sexualized views the genitals, breasts, or buttocks, with many places counting it even if there’s no actual nudity. With some countries going as far as saying so long as it can be established that a piece of media in any medium (including audio and writing) sexualizes a minor, it’s CP. Actually, the latter is the norm in the rest of the English speaking countries, including here in Canada, who have jailed US pedos trying to cross the border with that content on their computers, and those people are slapped with the much more serious crime of distributing CP as opposed to simple possession since they tried to bring it across an international border. Justice served.

    • @Kirbywithwhip1987@lemmygrad.mlOP
      2 years ago

      I just don’t get how it’s that much normalized on the internet. It happened to a lot of my favorite characters, I just want to browse some cute fanart or draw them and I see it. Most of the characters were/are around my age, as the person in comments stated, they do that to characters who went through emotional abuse, some even raped, harassed, bullied, went through emotional trauma and god knows what else, and their excuse to everything is that ‘‘it’s fictional and anime so it’s 100% ok’’…

      Any form of CP should be banned and pedophiles jailed, they went on hours long fights in comments to defend it, I encountered that a multiple times. It may sound weird, but this hurts me, messes me up and I feel sorry even if it’s a fictional character, god forbid a real person. It’s beyond me that it’s so normalized, it’s everywhere, people joke about it, it appears on YouTube, like it’s a casual thing. When someone speak up to it, this happens, American pedophiles defend it like their life is depended on it. They are trying to spread it everywhere, happens to my siblings also, we try so hard to stay away from this and never see it, but it happens every few days on the internet, I vomited a few times myself because of it.

    • Seanchaí (she/her)
      82 years ago

      In Canada (as in other countries though I don’t know right off which) it doesn’t even have to be an actual minor. For instance: schoolgirl porn is technically CP under Canadian law because, no matter the age of the actors, it depicts fictionalized sexualized minors. The sheer amount of illegal CP-adjacent shit that fills websites makes most of the Internet unsafe to browse, as there is the possibility (however slim) that the authorities could use your browsing against you.

      The simple solution is to obviously ban CP-related imagery, but heaven forbid you ever say that, you’ll get bombarded with accusations that you’re trying to “force your cultural values” on others. If “cultural values” involves the sexualization of minors count me the fuck out of that culture mate.