Context for anyone who hasn’t seen it:

Tldr lemmy mods apologising for fash on lemmy and the mods/admins/users defending the bigot as they recruit others to their dogshit instance.

Oh also one user calling lgbtq+ user a pedophile pushing that same vile rhetoric used by fascists to dehumanised lgbtq+ people and they didn’t get banned immediately. So criticalresist gets banned for telling users to fuck off but using dehumanising homophobia to bully a Comrade is a-ok by lemmy mod standards.

Leftist social media? What a laugh. They stand for nothing and fall for everything.

Update: the wolfballs admin seems to have fled while deleting their comments and the abjectly homophobic comment by another user was removed but further comments continuing the bs idea that a user here is a groomer because she is part of the lgbtq+ community persist further legitimising that assumption that the two (lgbtq+ and noncing) are somehow linked.

Do better lemmy.

  • RedFortress
    2 years ago

    I feel like communists should just stop calling themselves leftists, in the west at least. People could then stop associating MLs with anarshits and the likes.

      • RedFortress
        32 years ago

        I see your point. I just wish this left-right idea wasn’t so popular. It’s impractical and originates from the old days of liberalism.

        • Ratette (she/her)OP
          32 years ago

          Yeah well the libs like to remove nuance from the equation to obfuscate the issues and dumb down the conversation so that tracks.