• @frippaOP
    52 years ago

    Hshehehe based

      • @frippaOP
        62 years ago

        bro whats happening in the UK? Are monarchists seething?

        • Ratette (she/her)
          2 years ago

          I wouldn’t say they are seething cos the monarchy is still a thing. Its more there’s varying levels of cringe over her death and the monarchists are the sad dickheads crying at the Palace gates like the crown nonces they are.

          Like your standard brit is sad and doing the “say what you will but she was the ultimate girlboss” and “you shouldnt take pleasure in the death of the queen its disrespectful” and the nationalists and monarchists are playing it up like its the end of Britain and crying and its very cringe but at least its kinda expected from those clowns.

          What’s the most infuriating are people who consider themselves progressive or leftists saying the above stuff like “don’t be disrespectful” and its like fuck me do you have any thoughts that are your own or do you just revert to your programming whenever the national zeitgeist demands it?

          It’s genuinely insufferable as an actual leftist but at least the Irish have the right idea (well the Republic, the northern are still acting like a bunch of loyalist traitors) but being genuinely sad and defensive about the death of the queen is probably the best litmus test for figuring out if someone is worth engaging about politics and economics atm so that’s kinda handy.

          I think what infuriates me is that there’s so many of us who have genuine irish heritage etc (whether we’ve sadly lost out on that growing up with the tans or not) who are all “oh no the tragedy” and its like do you know nothing of history and class struggle? It’s pathetic.

          I can’t wait for people to get over it and move on but with the currency, passport and stamp changes it will not be a quick process 😒

          Nothing like wasting money on shit like changing the face on currency when there’s a cost of living crisis about to fuck everyone over.