Want to get yall’s feedback on community squatting.

There are a good amount of communities with zero posts, comments, etc, as well as some users who have created communities but aren’t trying to grow them or even post to them in any way.

I’d rather have the creators of communities be someone who’s at least contributing to them.

Some options are, occasionally deleting communities with little to no activity, or limiting modship to a small number of communities.

  • Serge Tarkovski
    4 years ago
    • the rules for automatic suspension/deletion etc. should be adjustable for an instance by its admin
    • I think it’s a good idea to suspend or archive a community by renaming it after a certain rule is matched (i.e. a period of inactivity)
    • by renaming I mean adding an underscore before the name, or the ~ symbol, or any other symbol suitable for this purpose
    • by archiving I also mean adding a special flag to the community to be able to show/hide such communities in the UI
    • this frees up the squatted name back for anyone interested in growing a certain topic, but keeps the original community in case its owner would ever want to resume their activity