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  • @CriticalResist8@lemmygrad.ml
    152 years ago

    Been playing this idle type game on android called Idle Civilisation. It’s made by someone in Russia and idk if they’re a Marxist but you can tell dialectical materialism is all over this game. You evolve from a prehistorical tribe of homo sapiens all the way to space communism, or anything in-between. There’s classes

    It’s actually helped me refine my understanding of some concepts just by playing it and then unlocking achievements. When you achieve something the game gives you a text about the real-life equivalent. Following the game, the reason Marx’s prediction didn’t come true about a socialist revolution in Western Europe is because capitalists were too entrenched to overthrow at this stage. Whereas in Russia and China, capitalists lived alongside and were subordinate to the feudal system, which allowed the growing proletariat class to successfully overthrow the state.

    Only drawback really is that the game is an idle game and there’s not much depth to those, but you do have to take the right decisions if you want to follow a certain path and unlock achievements.

    • @Leninismydad@lemmygrad.ml
      2 years ago

      Thanks for this information, gonna check it out, I love idle games for my neurodivergent brain.

      Any other suggestions?

      Edit Opening the game discussing class systems and means of production, damn lol

      2nd edit Quoting Engels