• @Neers94@lemmygrad.ml
    2 years ago

    This is astonishing. They think making business owners into workers is some kind of sick joke, and not literally one of the fundemantal points of the socialist project. Buddy, your grandpa lost ownership over his cinema because the CPC was against private ownership of production. Him becoming a worker afterward is the point. It’s also very telling that he framed moving from one class to another as some Orwellian nightmare. Oh no, now I have to actually work at my cinema instead of profit off others doing the work for me, how horrifying!

    • @Kind_Stone@lemmygrad.ml
      82 years ago

      “The elite” turning into “the regular mass” is the worst nightmare for them indeed. Such injury to the petty bourgeois pride.

      • Oatsteak
        52 years ago

        I think they need a reminder that there are far worse things that could happen to them. Truly, if you survive a working class revolution as a former member of the bourgeoisie and you’re not executed you really should be grateful. They don’t deserve mercy, we’re just kind enough to extend it sometimes.