Elemental bending as shown in Avatar the last airbender. You can also choose Korra ones.

I would choose anything but airbending.

  • Catraism-StalinismOP
    62 years ago

    airbenders are cool…

    But airbending is meh. But you can kinda fly and also force choke.

      • @201dberg@lemmygrad.ml
        42 years ago

        What if it was an evil tyrannical Queen stealing from her subjects and generally being a giant ultra b*tch? Cause I would definitely be down to pull the air from her lungs and watch that kind of person suffocate. Just saying.

        • @panic@lemmygrad.ml
          22 years ago

          Honestly? I thought it was LoK trying to be edgy. Like “woah, seeee? air bending can be used to kill too”. Yeah, no shit. Way to miss the point of the air nomads.

          I will sooner die than use magical powers to kill a monarch. God gave us the guillotine for that shit [PARODY SATIRE]

          • @panic@lemmygrad.ml
            22 years ago

            “Why didn’t Aang kill the fire lord???”

            Do you not understand themes in a story? Is every story as shallow as “stab bad guy” to you? SMH