The entire “joke” is that the evil Chinese are spying on you and you should be afraid of them. At this point, I that every TV show over here that gets really popular is obligated to start blasting pure propaganda at the viewer.

  • Marxism-Fennekinism
    2 years ago

    Family guy is just trying to be as offensive as possible. Seth McFarlane has essentially come out and said that he’s personally offended by “woke culture” (I.e. treating marginalised groups with the slightest bit of respect by not making the same jokes about them that derived from the justifications used to keep them down), so he’s actively trying to go against that in his shows.

    I call it the Fox Unholy Trinity: Family Guy, American Dad, The Simpsons.

      92 years ago

      I never knew Seth McFarlane was offended by “woke culture.” I got the impression but I didn’t know he admitted it. I know that he was transphobic and stuff though. What a prick.