I love:

  1. The users/community
  2. That it is a viable alternative to twitter for me
  3. That it had so many people on there
  4. That the development is community funded
  • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆
    13 years ago

    Oh hey, good to see you here as well :)

    And I ended up making a bot that can mirror Twitter to Mastodon that might be of interest if you want to see stuff from Twitter Js community on Mastodon.

    Regarding email v2, I think we’re kind of already in that scenario now. All the major social media sites are walled gardens. The reason fediverse took off in the first place is because a lot of people want a decentralized and social media open platform. Now that it exists I don’t think it’s going to go away.

    Also agree that I’d like to see grassroots orgs use fediverse. I actually ended up writing a bit on the subject in the we must own our tools article.

    Following Lemmy from Mastodon will be pretty neat. I’m hoping you’d be able to follow communities as well and treat that like you newsfeed.

      • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆
        13 years ago

        Thanks, glad you to hear you enjoyed the article, and I’ve been meaning to set up write.as at some point but haven’t had the time to do more writing. Might set it up at some point and put my newsletter articles there.

        And yeah it looks like there won’t be fediration with Mastodon in the near future, but sounds like we’ll get there eventually.