• FICO score based on search history? uhhhhhhh

    -Could a nuke in Yellowstone cause explosion?

    -Could Russia, China, Iran and Mexico liberate Alaska, occupied Mexican land, Hawaii and Puerto Rico?

    -Tutorial, how to reastablish USSR?

    -How to reastablish Yugoslavia?

    -When will Germany break in half again?

    -How to overthrow capitalist government?

    -Does Iran have nukes to nuke Israel?

    -Best tactic for liberating Kosovo and Metohija

    -Greece-Turkey war simulation

    -How many votes does Lula have in Brazil elections?

    -What’s going on in Sri Lanka?

    -What happened to Haiti’s president?

    -When will China liberate Taiwan Province?

    -How much does S-400 cost?

    Yeah I think I’m pretty fucked…

    • Catraism-Stalinism
      22 years ago

      -Tutorial, how to reastablish USSR?

      -How to reastablish Yugoslavia?

      These tutorials are so broken, and are only for the 1995 version, I hope to see an updated Meta soon