Many prisoners say they enjoy the jobs, if only because it gets them out into the free world and gives them something to do. The biggest problem: They are often paid less than $1 an hour. And despite the misconception that everything in their lives is paid for, prison life is really quite expensive. Prices for goods are about the same as in the outside world. From pens and paper to envelopes and stamps, it could take a full week for some prisoners to buy what they need to send a single letter to a family member by mail.

  • Amicese
    1 year ago

    deleted by creator

      62 years ago

      Prison guards purposefully fuel race based violence between inmates in order to keep them divided. Prisoners aren’t allowed to talk to each other for extended periods even in the lower security periods. Guards are well armed, well fed, have medical care, etc. meanwhile prisoners are denied even healthy food and necessary medical care. There are nigh countless occasions where prisoners are denied life saving medicine for life conditions like diabetes and die for it. There are at least equal number of occasions where prisoners are beaten to near death, then denied medical care so they actually die. Prisoners also need to pay or go into debt to cover many of the expenses of incarceration while earning basically nothing, so even when they get out, they are burdened with debt from their sentence, on top of the new debt that’ll be incurred from having to pay for a parole officer, court hearings, and/or bail.

      So the lack of ability to organize, daily violence on their bodies, daily denial of resources needed to thrive, mental illness from incarceration related traumas, lack of resources post-incarceration, among others. There are efforts by groups which have splintered from the Black Panther Party, but I can’t speak to how successful or not they are since I am not nor never was a prisoner.