just like we had lemmygrad.ml as an alternative for Reddit, we need to have an alternative for discord. discord’s new policies have been supressing servers and members left and right. Now there are some options that I want to present here

Guilded: Basically very nice UI, it’s completely free most nitro features of discord are completely free on Guilded. it has got more features that discord doesn’t have the only issue is that it is gaming centric and majority communities are related to gaming

Revolt: Github open source like lemmy same features as discord, good UI, there are some features like that it lacks but upcoming and promising.

slack and matrix are trash don’t fall for it

If somehow discord server gets banned, you would be thanking me for this.

thank you for reading and upvoting

    • @pinkeston@lemmygrad.ml
      2 years ago

      Imma be real, fighting against NSA and Silicon Valley is hopeless regardless

      Even if you’re using Tails and encrypted messaging like Matrix, they will still easily track you down if they want to. It’s happened before. You think they care about warrants? Backdoors? They’re already all in place.

      The average person will never take measures anywhere close as secure to this

      You say the more layers between you the better you’ll be but that’s not true. The moment you step out of line like those dumbasses on Twitter saying they want to start a revolution or be like Second Thought and make widespread messages, you’ll be tracked down and get feds knocking on your door

      They already won on the media front, technological front (security, surveillance, censorship, access, data, everything), and ideological front

      Talking about sensitive stuff is completely meaningless right now. Maybe try in like 50 years when the average person is homeless and starving. Conditions are nowhere near ready, especially when you consider the most insane propaganda campaign that they have won, are currently winning, and will continue winning

      Just shitpost and hand out food and supplies to your fellow citizens or smth