Is anyone else getting increasingly annoyed at the fact that half the posts to Genzedong, British Communism, etc are screenshots of anticommunists spouting nonsense? I get that the person posting is communist and they’re calling out those screenshots as BS, so it’s not technically anticommunist propaganda in itself but a showcase of anticommunist propaganda, but it’s still annoying when I’m trying to see communist content in a community marked as “communist content only” and get hit with literal Nazis justifying fascism, especially when there are dedicated communities for all kinds of anticommunist nonsense: ShitLiberalsSay, ShitFascistsSay, ShitAnarchistsSay, etc.

  • BrezhnevsEyebrows
    2 years ago

    Based on the title of the North Korea post at the top right now it seems like they take content from ShitLiberalsSay on Reddit (among other subs) but then don’t actually put it in the SLS community we have on here for some reason

      162 years ago

      They also take from r/sendinthetanks, I had one of my old posts I made here reposted on lemmygrad as such with the exact same title. Not mad at all btw I’m happy to be scrolling through old reddit posts since I don’t use reddit at all anymore