This is an opportunity for any users, server admins, or interested third parties to ask anything they’d like to and I about Lemmy. This includes its development and future, as well as wider issues relevant to the social media landscape today.

Note: This will be the thread tmrw, so you can use this thread to ask and vote on questions beforehand.

Original Announcement thread

  • @nutomicMA
    8110 months ago

    Account migration is not in the works, and I consider it very low priority. Unlike Mastodon, Lemmy isnt focused on individual users, so it doesnt matter much if you start posting from another instance one day. If its important for you, you can always put a link in your profile to your other accounts. I would rather implement a way to export/import account data. Thats much simpler and can also be used as a backup in case your instance goes down.

      4310 months ago

      I would rather implement a way to export/import account data.

      This is perfectly reasonable. I think a lot of users will be happy with this. Also, I agree with the view that lemmy isn’t focused on individual users. We have X, Mastodon, etc. for that. Thanks for the response!

        10 months ago

        I honestly thought that was what OP meant, I just assumed I would have to have a new name or something since it might already be taken on a new instance anyway.

    • @maegul
      2310 months ago

      I would rather implement a way to export/import account data. Thats much simpler and can also be used as a backup in case your instance goes down.

      This makes a lot of sense and would be quite useful too! As taking your posts with you is hard to implement (AFAIU), migration really just comes down to importing data like subscriptions.

      2010 months ago

      For communities, howver, it is much more important thing. Re-tart a community from scratch on another instance has a huge “cost”.

      • @nutomicMA
        2710 months ago

        Thats true, but community migration seems complicated to implement so it will have to wait.