I still see xmpp users taking a wee on other users though sigh

  • @thervingi
    02 years ago

    Telegram has open source clients and great Linux desktop support. Whatsapp doesn’t have either.

      • @thervingi
        22 years ago

        Does it? How do we know? WhatsApp is closed source, so maybe Facebook is just copying all private keys to their servers?

        • Tempo
          2 years ago

          WhatsApp apparently uses Signal’s encryption protocols and doesn’t store keys remotely but with the amount of unencrypted metadata that gets collected along with the fact that encrypted messages can still be reported to WhatsApp, a lot of the point of the encryption is nullified. You can read their security white paper here if you’re so inclined.

          Still, I’d keep away from any for-profit chat service. Like anything free from a for-profit company, you and your user data are the product, not the product itself.

          • @thervingi
            12 years ago

            The security paper doesn’t mean a thing. Without seeing the code we simply don’t know if Facebook is doing what they say they are doing.