I like it a lot. I come here often, it’s a good addition to my reddit use, it has some nice people and some interesting content.

I love that it is decentralized, which means that there will always be a server without ads, tracking or bad governance.

Also it feels like being part of Lemmy is being part of something new and novel. The idea of decentralizing services online, away from corporate silos, should be resurrected.

  • @Thann
    62 years ago

    I think the software is great!

    If we could follow people, post to our own profile, and host/play videos, then it would be the only fediverse website anyone needs!

    • Amicese
      1 year ago

      deleted by creator

      • @Thann
        42 years ago

        yeah, but, I need 3 accounts across 3 websites to participate in the fediverse. those features would make lemmy the one-stop-shop.

    • @sexy_peach@feddit.deOP
      82 years ago

      If lemmy would support videos it would be a much more difficult software to host. I like that it’s very lightweight.

      • @Thann
        22 years ago

        I completely agree, but I think video hosting would be great as an optional addon