• @lxvi@lemmygrad.ml
    2 years ago

    In addendum, above I said “true socialism.” That was worded poorly. I didn’t mean to say “the true socialism.” I meant to say “the one true socialism.” My post two posts up should have read,

    I’m not going to denounce patriotic socialism, but I’m not going to call it ‘the one true socialism’

    The original post, the meme, seemed to me to be saying the patriot socialism was the only proper way. I meant to say that I didn’t think they were so wrong as to be considered a fake movement. I also didn’t think that they were so correct as to be considered the only way to think.

    Because it was poorly worded I think what I was trying to say didn’t properly come across.

    I’d add one more thing:

    Something are more culturally heavy than other things. This subject is one. There are similarities between the Americas. There are also major differences. As there are discussions we can have about Brazil that we can have with each other in broad terms. There are ideological signatures and references in language that I would miss. I didn’t grow up in Brazil. I would not understand or begin to see those things because I wasn’t there to know them. This isn’t a conversation to have with broad strokes. It’s referential.

    That’s why I assumed you were American. It’s a very American thing. It’s iconography is very much targeting very particular American notions. I referred to the national myth a few times with the assumption you were aware of it.

    I don’t know the stories Brazilians tell about themselves. I don’t know how your national identity is built into you from childhood up.

    What I’m trying to say is that this would not be an easy discussion to have with you.

    • @Rafael_Luisi@lemmygrad.ml
      32 years ago

      I agree, sorry for being overlly angry at you, bad communication and misinformation can ruin an online conversation, thats my biggest problem with online conversations compared to irl ones. Sorry again for sounding rude, hope we can have an better conversation in the future without all of the patsoc dog whistling and badly word sentences. Hope you have an good day!