• @MessMattress@lemmygrad.ml
    122 years ago

    I really like using Notepad++ but this is really annoying. Anyone have any good text editor recommendations for beginner programmers other than Visual Basic and Atom? I’ve tried both but it’s so bloated and slow. Vim is pretty cool, but I don’t have much experience using the command line so I got confused using it. I really don’t need much, just an integrated Git plugin and an simple to use interface.

      • AmiceseOP
        1 year ago

        deleted by creator

    • AmiceseOP
      1 year ago

      deleted by creator

    • You really don’t need command-line experience to use the graphical version of Neovim/Vim or Emacs, although both take a while to get used to. If you’d like to try a GUI version of Neovim, there’s a good basic tutorial if you open it and type :Tutor followed by the Return/Enter key

    • mrshll1001
      52 years ago

      I’ve just recently migrated from Atom to Vim since I was tired of Atom’s bloat (also Electron is awful!), having put off learning Vim for years due to being a bit intimidated. I would honestly recommend it and I wish I could go back in time and learn it sooner. It does have a slight learning curve, but you can become very productive very quickly even just using basic features. It’s already changed the way I work and I have become much more productive. Re your comfort on the commandline; once you’re in the editor you’re mostly ok it’s just a different way of achieving things and navigating.

      Vim’s plugin architecture is also incredible, and there’s a lot of good Git plugins. I don’t use one as I always just have a terminal open with git in it, but I’ve seen vim fugitive recommended a lot.

      My understanding is that Notepad++ is chiefly a Windows application, indicating you’re on Windows? According to this page you can download gVim for Windows. That has a lot of provision for the mouse, and integrates well with the system clipboard. If you’re on GNU/Linux your distro will most likely have it in the repos. Install vim and vim-gtk. Then you can run gvim to start the editor.

      On GNU/Linux one configures their Vim install using .vimrc and within the .vim folder; I’m not sure how it’s configured on Windows systems but this thread might be useful. Lots of folk share their vim configs online, so you can learn by looking and experimenting.

      • @MessMattress@lemmygrad.ml
        52 years ago

        My bad. I meant to say VSCode but I minced my words. But yes, I did have some experience learning visual basic in highschool. Imagine my surprise when I enter the workforce and find out that 90% of what I’ve been learning in school is outdated garbage. I’m lucky I took extra online courses to supplement my knowledge but my other friends aren’t so lucky