The leader of the opposition was already in house arrest.

    • @vitaminka
      02 years ago

      i feel like you’d be able to type out what you meant by that several times already in the time it took us to type out this back-and-forth, i’m legitimately unsure what you meant by that

      the only good reason i can imagine why one wouldn’t want to do that is because nato opposition in certain circles exists as a vague and nebulous pent-up hostility without any sort of concrete and detailed plan to combat it, which would provide a concrete framework upon which one would be able to act, and in the absence of which anything ones says can’t be criticised because it’s so vague and inconcrete…

      i may be wrong though 🤷‍♀️

      • Yeah, pretty much wrong if all you do is willfully ignoring basically all. You are showing already it also in another convo with another user, why should I waste my effort in people that are willingly ignorant?