Maybe this is already widely understood on here, but I feel understanding how the anti-communist left was leveraged to fight nuclear energy.

As more people are reading this I wanted to share what I consider to be a superior analysis

And to be clear, you can be pro-renewable without being anti-nuclear I am referring to many of the European Green parties that are anti-nuclear above all else. Nuclear has it’s drawbacks, but it is preferable to climate change, for now.

    • Breadbeard
      12 years ago

      now, i m not saying that nuclear isn’t agreat form of energy compared to coal. compared to gas i m not so sure. personally i would condone hemp oil and plant oils over anything else because they would create a closed loop. whereas any mined ressource causes excess waste. unfortunately we are too many to pull this off atm.

      i m talking about the theoretical problem of hydrogen pipelines, as these would have a better throughput than any other form of energy transportation via grids. the problem here is that we don’t even have safe oil pipelines. we have dictatorships and hells around pipelines to keep them secure from sabotage, we run immense security states in order to achieve this. and with the potential of nuclear energy or hydrogen, this only becomes worse, not better.