Do you think it’s some sort of bug or mistake on their part, or that they’re actively trying to sanction Russia? What’s your opinion on this?

  • Soviet Snake
    72 years ago

    Probably in the short term, but if Windows decides to get out of Russia, the country will have to develop some internal OS, they probably have one already but they will made use of it at a bigger scale.

    • @GiorgioPerlasca
      2 years ago

      Astra Linux is already there:

      Astra Linux is a Russian Linux-based computer operating system (OS) that is being massively implemented in contemporary Russian Federation in order to replace Microsoft Windows. Initially it was created and developed to meet the needs of the Russian army, other armed forces and intelligence agencies. It provides data protection up to the level of “top secret” in Russian classified information grade by featuring mandatory access control. It has been officially certified by Russian Defense Ministry, Federal Service for Technical and Export Control and Federal Security Service.

      • @graphito
        12 years ago

        So tell us, have you installed it already? does your employer use it? any of your relatives?

        • @deller
          17 months ago

          As a man from Russia, they have introduced Astra Linux until only the authorities, educational institutions, etc. (in future they will try to establish Astra Linux wherever they can). Ordinary people both used and will use windows