I look at it as a matter of both privilege and apathy. I get upset (not visibly, of course) when people say they don’t “like” politics, or blow it off entirely. Politics is not some separate entity, we are living in a society! An inherently political game!
Furthermore, there is no “politics” as just a concept. What part of politics? Literally everything is politics. Climate change and environmental care? Food and agriculture? Economics? Culture, beauty, art? How can someone blow off literally everything? To me its an attempt to shut down conversation and demonstrates they don’t care or have no idea about the atrocities that have occurred/are going to due to the West’s collapse and climate change. Am I out of touch? Being non-undedstanding?
Let me know, thanks
“yes I’m apolitical” supports far-right governments like the US
Reminds me of the right wing western gamer crowd who will go on about games having political undertones as if meaningful art is a bad thing but half their post history is just China/Russia bashing and social credit jokes
The moment there is a minority character, they cry politics, but when there is a game where you are a soldier waging war, they don’t call it politics.
Politics: a term to describe any opinions, beliefs, or values that conflicts with the shady agenda of of the people in authority; any form of accountability, human right, or freedom of speech in USA that irritates the people in power.
Apolitical: an adjective to describe people who blindly follow and support the personal politics of a people in authority without questioning; a trait where a person abandon their independent thought and mindlessly follows the hivemind of willful ignorance and bootlicking devotion to one or more politicians.