Hi again rodents,
I don’t know if this was already answered; seems like it hasn’t been asked here on lemmy, but due to slow internet I can’t properly check on github right now.

I tried manually pointing to a community but I got the name wrong and the request hung for many seconds (up to 30-40 seconds, I think), before giving me back a 504 Gateway timeout.
At first I tought it was due to my connection, but then I tried querying with the right name, and the initial response was way faster than before.

I tried again with another community. Same behaviour.
Oddly enough, the behaviour follows when trying with usernames.

I loaded the Deep Space 9 instance and did the same magick trick. I again got the same behaviour.

Is it how lemmy is supposed to handle an inexistent entity or is it a non-implemented feature (or a bug, idk) ?

  • @zksmk
    24 years ago

    I loaded the Deep Space 9 instance

    Wait, there’s a DS9 instance of lemmy?

      • @zksmk
        3 years ago

        Ah, that makes sense. I’ve read lemmy’s just rolled out its federation so I was wondering how come there’s already an instance for such a relatively narrow topic.

        Also, ha, I get it, testing federation. Nice.