Still can’t get my damn my mind around the “fact” that this shit is disputed

Quick update: the discussion page is even worse, libs try to completely remove the Neo Nazi part of it and label this as “russian propaganda”, it already worked in the German version of the article and you can’t even change it back, to protect the page from “vandalism”

    362 years ago

    At this point I feel that the entire unit can line up and do the nazi salute on camera and some twitter checkmarks will start explaining how they’re actually just reclaiming the historical roman salute and it’s not in any way related to neo-nazism.

      162 years ago

      will start explaining how they’re actually just reclaiming the historical roman salute

      You’re giving me flashbacks to watching some “Russian nationalist” on TV explain how his org’s salute was totally not a sieg heil, you guys! Quote: “The palm goes from the chest and upwards - from the heart to God!”

        102 years ago

        They are simply enthusiastic about historical symbols. The fact that all the symbols they are using just happen to have also used by the nazis is merely a crazy coincidence and does not mean that wholesome Azov are nazis.