Latvia, the apartheid state where ethnic russians have “non citizen passports” and are treated like second class, has just adopted a law allowing anyone who supports Russia and has dual citizenship with another country to be stripped of their latvian citizenship and thus deported if they live in Latvia. Yes the law says “support for war crimes”, but Latvia has already said that supporting Russia equals “supporting war crimes”. Nazism is returning comrades.

    • @SaddamHussein24@lemmygrad.mlOP
      2 years ago

      Memestates? More like nazistates. Jokes a part, actually this would be impossible (unless you broke the law, which is more common than youd think with this issue), since China doesnt allow dual citizenships. Of course, its very easy to request both and use your chinese passport in China and your latvian one in Latvia. For example i think olympian star Eileen Gu has illegally dual US China citizenship. I think so because she is deliberately ambiguos over which citizenship she has. Plus she must have chinese citizenship since she needs it to compete in the Olympic Team China, but she lives in the US and it would be a real pain in the ass for her to not be a US citizen. Besides, ive heard from consular sources that this is quite common and the bans on this are unenforced.

      • Chill, I know about rampant nazi apologism there, it’s just that it’s hard to take seriously three countries that, combined, have population that is a little over population of my city and live off of begging with the excuse of “Evil Mordor dreams of annexing us, don’t you see we need help?!”.

        Hm, that Chinese/US double citizenship part is interesting.