Is it important to you that your significant other is a communist?

  • Comrade AppleDash
    2 years ago

    Not dating anyone right now but my ex was definitely a hardcore socialist, who believed very strongly in the need for revolution and supported BLM and ANTIFA, and she was also very sex positive. She didn’t consider herself a communist in practice but she did call herself a Marxist, and supported countries like Cuba and Bolivia. She was also the first person I’d met who was fine with dating an asexual person (me) so that was definitely great.

    I already considered myself a socialist when we started dating - I grew up in a leftist family so I’ve always had those politics ingrained in me - and I think it was good because I was never really vocal about my politics before, while she definitely was, so we could go back and forth and essentially anything we wanted. It helped me become more confident in my own views. We disagreed on a lot of things, especially when it came to “libertarian” socialism and “feminist” pornography, but we still got along swimmingly for a while. We broke up because of other matters completely unrelated to our politics. I only became a fully fledged ML long after we separated.

    To be honest, I don’t mind having a partner who isn’t as “hardline” as me. In fact, I think that as long as we agree on the same principle - that the capitalist system must be dismantled - then that’s all we really need to stand together, on a personal level at least.

    Also loving the amount of power couples I’m seeing in this thread ;)