Some may think it is irrelevant but I think capitalism plays a role. News are like 90% fucking terrible, horrible news. I really can’t bring myself to watch news. killed… massacred… evil… That’s all the reporters say.

I can watch the goriest movies but when I just as much hear a mother literally threw her baby to dumpster (that’s real and probably happens a lot) I can’t… I can’t continue watching… So sickening. And people watch news with meals? During brekfast? Dinner?

I think news under capitalism focus on the worst points of humanity as bad news sell better than cheering news I imagine. It is also the direct result of capitalism that people are so fucking savage.

    • Star Wars Enjoyer
      122 years ago

      So what if she’s attended NSM rallies, is a Klan member, and has been arrested 12 times for aggravated assault of racial minorities? the dog is adorable tho. See, look at the cute doggie.