The biggest issue of politics is that it is not seen as managing 100 million people but as stupid terms of left and right.

There’s no left when managing 100 million people There’s no right when managing 100 million people

There are 10000 different characteristics of each person and the ruler has to choose the right action for or against the right person. That is politics. It is not liberal, it is not authoritarian. An ideal ruler is liberal against one who’s liberal and authoritarian against one who’s authoritarian.

When we stop seeing politics in terms of these stupid terms, all will be solved!

  • @TheConquestOfBed
    2 years ago

    This is why dictatorships of the proletariat pare things down to one party. 😉

    If all minorities are in the same party with everyone else, the state has to consider them proportionally instead of assigning them to the “enemy” political party in order to reverse their rights and send that party’s progress backwards.

    Vietnam, for example, has land protections for ethnic minorities that can’t be voted away, and 48% of the representatives in Cuba’s legislature are women. Both countries have recently expanded lgbt rights as well. Compare to terf island where lgbt rights were voted in rapidly when it was popular, but are now being eroded alongside state healthcare as conservatism sweeps across Europe.