In the federated future, anyone in the Fediverse will be able to subscribe to a Lemmy entity (a user, a community etc.) from outside Lemmy. Can anyone explain which entities will be available to subscribe, and how it will look like for others?

Subscribing to a community - does it mean that there is an account such as, that will show all posts in the community (I guess in chronological order)? In which way federated posts will contain the info on the post’s author? How comments to a post will be federated?

Subscribing to a user - does it mean subscribing to self-posts only, or to all posts/comments of that user?

  • @nutomicA
    44 years ago

    Yeah it would probably be similar to the way you subscribe to other users. But our priority is federation between Lemmy instances, federation with other software is not a priority. And we have barely started implementing federation, so it is not clear at all how exactly things will work between different software.