• @UnkTheUnk@midwest.social
    -32 years ago

    Because of what I assume are massively different media diets I don’t think there will be agreement on this topic within a reasonable amount of time. Because of this I’ll try to condense what I think might be the most important points while not getting lost in the weeds.

    -I think Ukraine has a fighting chance militarily

    -the Ukrainian public REALLY does not want to be under Moscow’s thumb

    -while NATO nations very often do imperialist shit NATO itself is not the way they do it (or any military means for the most part), it’s a defensive alliance

    I don’t really have time, inclination, or skills to have an unbiased view on this (even if such a thing were possible). Most of my understanding on this comes from two sources: Beau of the Fifth Column, an anarchist former military contracter youtube person who makes shortform content aimed at people who don’t generally hear any left-leaning views (and I mean actual left).

    Peter Zeihan, private analyist who predicted the current invasion in 2017. even though I find him politically ehhh he does really good work.

    • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆OP
      22 years ago

      I think we’ll see how this plays out in a few months time. I do think that it’s very hard to tell whether you’re getting factual information nowadays, and you’re right that we can end up forming wildly different views based on our media diets. So, waiting to see what happens is probably the best course here.