• @AgreeableLandscapeOP
      2 years ago

      Nah air is still cooler. That’s how most Chinese ferments work, like Chinese sour cabbage or bean curd sauce: you just prepare it, leave it out in the open, and the natural microbes in your environment do their thing. Though you do have to get good at watching for the growth of harmful microbes (namely black coloured mold) and you have to discard the batch if you get them. Air fermentation is easy to learn but hard to master.

      Source: am Chinese, and my family does air fermentation on the regular.

      • Cool! But where I live, yeast isn’t really in the air, only black and green mold lol.

        Maybe in the fields I may be able to make this technique! Also, Chinese breads are top notch! I fucking love the ones cooked in vapor.