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I think they twitter will become a lot more lax on bans, potentially more strict on banning people who make fun of elon. I think trump will return to twitter. Overall, seems like a ginormous win for the libertarians/ancaps.

I think we should capitalize on this moment and bring way more people to the fediverse.

  • @MrGamingHimself
    142 years ago

    It’s always events like this that make me so happy Fediverse is a thing. 10 years ago, if you said you were leaving something like Reddit or Facebook there were literally zero alternatives. FOSS apps usually has a bad rap for not being as polished as the billion dollar corporation’s product, but I’ve been using Mastodon recently and it’s incredible nice! Feels even friendlier to use than Twitter because it’s not as bloated. Here’s hoping Lemmy, too, will finally get over that stump and become a viable alternative.

    • @meloo@lemmy.perthchat.orgOP
      42 years ago

      FOSS apps usually has a bad rap for not being as polished as the billion dollar corporation’s product

      They still do if you ask irl ppl. They think 0$ = bad

      Here’s hoping Lemmy, too, will finally get over that stump and become a viable alternative.

      Glad someone else noticed this!