Especially when communists are on the table, they just always lean fucking fascist.

  • Catradora-Stalinism☭OP
    92 years ago

    I see it, but I am still amazed by it. Why? Why are they so unable to just self-critique themselves? What the fuck? This feels like the Church again. Everyone just a fucking mouthpiece with no real will, but the will of the “prophets” and “disciples”. Their mindset is so colonized they enforce the will of their masters without their influence even being present. All while their leader steals from them and bleeds their money and soul dry.

      132 years ago

      Well… Speaking of churches… Indoctrination is actually very powerful… This is why liberalism is so idealist, static, lacking of self awareness and reactionary behavior, only “going against” reactionary “extemists” of their own and other reactionary groups as makeup but never honesty… It works like a religion.