So we all know about the soviet union, china, and Cuba but what are some lesser-known socialist countries or sizeable socialist movements in history? An example of this could be the Zapatistas, Burkino Fasso, the Paris commune, or republican Spain. I don’t really care if they are specifically Marxist Leninist(although that is preferred and I know not all the examples above are ML or even socialist according to some people but that’s not the point) I’m just looking for some leftist history.

    2 years ago

    I feel Scandinavian socialists and communists are massively overlooked by many. Liberals love praising the “Nordic Model” but never acknowledge that it only came to be thanks to massive unions and socialist movements, and the extremely extensive welfare and work reforms had to be put in place to keep them placated. While ultimately unsuccessful in achieving socialism, I think we can learn a lot from Scandinavian socialists.