I was recently in a conversation with a self-described MagaCommunist who held the position that the primary contradiction in the USA was that the financial owning class owned all of the means of production and that the contradictions of settler colonialism were secondary and could only be resolved through a workers’ state.
I realized that I hold the position that settler colonialism is the primary contradiction in the USA, but I also found that I struggled to articulate it effectively. I’m looking for your own thoughts or writings that I can study to learn more on this topic.
Okay, so how else am I supposed to read this than; “Your analysis is oversimplified because you haven’t developed enough knowledge of class stratification to be able to analyze more complex class dynamics.” It read to me as a direct attack against the settler-colonial question. Also, kinda against me, basically calling me a highschooler.
Also, regardless of whether or not the settler-colonial situation is destabilizing as settlers are debourgeousified, it’s currently the primary contradiction. Which is what the OP was about?
For what it’s worth I agree, I think the limits to growth and the tendency for the rate of profit to decline mean that there won’t always be superprofits to redistribute to the settlers. Eventually they get cut off.
I don’t think we’re there yet.