I don’t know if this is the community to ask this but i don’t know where to post otherwise. And sorry for my bad english

Ok so, i am new to communism/socialism and have been teaching myself what the principles of the ideology are. But i am really confused, and need help in learning the beliefs of communism/socialism.

For example: What side do you guys stand against the war in Ukraine? Are there any books or documentries that can help me understand communism a bit better? Is religion accepted in a communist nation? What is the AES? Etc.

Any information is usefull.
May God bless you and have a nice day…

Edit: Sorry, but after reading the reasons on why Russia is right in this conflict. I can’t agree with it, i’m sorry but war isn’t the way. And i do not support Ukraine for that matter, Ukraine is very corrupted and fascist. But gotta say, thank you for teaching me what i can do to learn communism a bit better, i am very gratefull…

  • @lxvi
    72 years ago

    From what I’ve seen I think that this war is a defensive war. Normally you shouldn’t invade other countries. If you’re Russia, you’ve seen what the US has been doing across the world. You’ve seen the Color Revolution which put Nazis in control of the Ukrainian government. You’ve seen the war in the Donbass. You’ve seen NATO establish training camps and the US pouring a sea of Arms into Ukraine.

    I think the Invasion of Georgia was also Defensive. You understand that the US is trying to establish footholds along the Russian Border for the projection of power. The President of Georgia during this time had to flee the country after the Georgian people attempted to trial him for the crimes they themselves said he committed. And where did he flee to? To become the Mayor of Odessa. It’s not hard to see these things.

    If Ukraine was a free nation I would be more critical of Russia, but it’s a zombie nation puppeted by Nazis. I think that Russia’s actions are appropriate almost to the point of imperative.

    When Russia went to Syria, the Syrian government was still intact. But what if the United States was Successful in installing ISIS as the government in Syria? If Russia went to Syria then, would that really be an unforgivable invasion?

    I don’t care for or follow Russia very much. I am looking at this primarily as someone who opposes the United States. There is no way to see these to sides as equally wrong. You’d have to be looking at this as an isolated event rather than as a final piece in a whole string of color revolutions. Which is how Russia in seeing this, and how you should too. You don’t look at raindrops as isolated events. You see it raining.

    • @TheConquestOfBed
      2 years ago

      I am fully aware of the events of things all the way back to Russia being denied NATO membership in the 90s. In my other long post below this one I go over my opinions on the SCO which is the broader NATO equivalent in Eurasia. I agree that the war is probably necessary and the material conditions creating it come from western bourgeoise interests.

      My only critique is how we look at the war as communists. As a pro-global-south person it’s both interesting to see how this will develop the BRI to break the shackles of neo-colonies, and terrifying to worry how the global north will react and sow further discord as they’re doing now in Pakistan and Sri Lanka. But as a communist, looking entirely at how this progresses the aims of the proletariate: while it’s likely to improve material conditions for impoverished people around the world, I don’t see it as a harbinger of global communism. And I think we have to be careful not to conflate these things by not immediately adding value judgements to them and simply look at the facts.