I don’t know if this is the community to ask this but i don’t know where to post otherwise. And sorry for my bad english

Ok so, i am new to communism/socialism and have been teaching myself what the principles of the ideology are. But i am really confused, and need help in learning the beliefs of communism/socialism.

For example: What side do you guys stand against the war in Ukraine? Are there any books or documentries that can help me understand communism a bit better? Is religion accepted in a communist nation? What is the AES? Etc.

Any information is usefull.
May God bless you and have a nice day…

Edit: Sorry, but after reading the reasons on why Russia is right in this conflict. I can’t agree with it, i’m sorry but war isn’t the way. And i do not support Ukraine for that matter, Ukraine is very corrupted and fascist. But gotta say, thank you for teaching me what i can do to learn communism a bit better, i am very gratefull…

  • @TheConquestOfBed
    2 years ago

    marxists.org is a pretty old-fashioned website full of mostly older marxist literature that’s no longer copyrighted. It’s not the easiest place to navigate, but they have hundreds of theorists, statesmen, activists, and historians in their list of authors with everything from entire books, speeches, analyses of events, and even some fiction/poetry. It’s a great source for a lot of the basic literature that marxists will often cite (Marx, Hegel, Engels, Lenin, Stalin, Mao, etc) as well as historical documents that are mostly only going to be useful if you’re working with a specific argument or counterargument.

    libcom.org has pdfs of a lot more post-modern and post-marxist literature. These sorts of texts are great for analyzing how present-day capitalism makes our lives worse, but many of these authors also had explicit anti-soviet sentiments so it’s something to consider when weighing their points. They can have amazing analyses of social problems but tend to come up short when thinking of solutions to said problems.

    Commonly Cited Youtubers:
    • Badempanada (Shitposter with decent takes, does some video essays based in historical materialism)
    • Hakim (Makes short topical videos, has some perspective living through the Iraq War as an Iraqi)
    • Luna Oi! (Mostly talks about Vietnam and her own perspective living in an AES country. Is translating a Vietnamese textbook on Dialectical Materialism to English)
    • Marxist Paul (Makes short intro to communism videos, but he can be a little traditionalist)
    • NonCompete (Luna Oi’s husband and AnarchoCommunist. Mainly speaks out against sectarianism)
    • Plastic Pills (Philosophy nerd, his video on Chile is awesome)
    • Prolekult (Does short and long form essays, their most recent video on fascism is pretty good)
    • Radical Reviewer (Does summaries of marxist literature)
    • Second Thought (Makes very short/digestible intro-to-communism videos)
    • Yugopnik (Tends to make essays on specific topics with an Eastern European perspective)


    • Hakim, Second Thought, and Yugopnik have a podcast called The Deprogram which is a fun little radio show for newbies.
    • Revolutionary Left Radio makes so much content, hours and hours of interviews and longform essays. It’s a lot more dry than most of the content listed above, but the hosts care about being honest in their presentation and try to make every episode easy to digest no matter if you’re new or have been involved for a long time.
    Reactionaries to avoid:
    • Caleb Maupin (Borderline White Nationalist)
    • David Pakman (Literally just a liberal)
    • Destiny (Doesn’t read, just makes stuff up)
    • Infrared (Bases his entire ideology in his low self-esteem)
    • Jimmy Dore (Conspiracy Theorist)
    • Vaush (Evidence points to him likely being an opportunistic pedophile)
      • @TheConquestOfBed
        72 years ago

        Whoops, yeah, I meant Jimmy Dore. Thanks for catching that. I never really bothered watching reactionary stuff so I forget their names sometimes. 🤐

    • @KevinDurant@lemmygrad.ml
      52 years ago

      Calling someone a “conspiracy theorist” is not a negative.

      The FBI killed MLK. I guess I’m a conspiracy theorist now liek Jimmy Dore.

      In fact, if you’re a communist and you’re not a “conspiracy theorist” you’re doing it wrong.

      Jimmy is anti-vax, and I think that’s what you’re really getting at


      • @TheConquestOfBed
        92 years ago

        Conspiracy theory is honestly too broad of a heading because it (probably intentionally) includes easily discredited psudoscience and pseudohistorical takes meant to discredit belief in actual govt conspiracies. Moon landing conspiracy theorists incidentally adopting the ‘FBI killed MLK’ conspiracy would lower trust in the latter, so it’s not a good idea to associate with moon landing conspiracy theorists even if they sometimes believe the same things you do.