• Bungkarnoenjoyer
    2 years ago

    inb4 the 74.6% of voters being called ‘russian bots’

    i swear to god everytime i see someone slightly cared, worried or sympathetic to russia and even slightly support putin, they’ve been called a ‘russian/putin bot’ just because of all of that

    • @MerchantsOfMisery
      -22 years ago

      (copied/pasted my response here as it’s relevant)

      I mean, just look at this Matt Toomer guy’s Twitter account and you can see his following is primarily comprised of people who believe Putin in the right and that Zelensky is in the wrong.

      I wouldn’t say this is “Russian bots”, but I would say it’s a comically biased poll and for anyone to think that the results are useful in any sense is just a prime example of confirmation bias in action. Anyone who knows anything about polling can see why it’s silly to act as if this poll isn’t deeply rooted in plain bias.

      This is like FOX or CNN polling their viewers and then parading around the results that just happen to be in line with their reporting.

      The fact that only a single person in this comment thread bothered to ask who Matt Toomer is, that’s pretty telling of how much blind biased support there is here. Even when the OP was asked who Toomer is, they just replied “No idea. It just popped up on my feed.”. And this is a poll you all seem to think is meaningful?

      Before I inevitably receive angry replies… I’m not some anti-communist, I just think a lot of communists’ take on this Ukraine-Russia conflict just reeks of bias that usually isn’t called out because places like this tend to unfortunately be echo chambers.