I’m trying to find a higher paying job and I came across one for a “Syslog-ng Admin/Engineer.” The pay seems promising and the requirements aren’t that long but does ask for experience in syslog-ng. I’ve never heard of this before today. What is syslog-ng and what can I do to get experience with it?

  • eldavi
    2 months ago

    other people have answered your question about syslog-ng and i thought i should share something that i wish someone had shared with me when i was studying up to on a job as an ELK administrator about a decade+ or so ago.

    if you have familiarity with any of the non-journald based logging (eg rsyslog, syslog, etc.) and basic networking (eg tcpdump, traceroute, etc.) your experience will translate into syslog-ng well and there’s significant syntactical differences between the versions since it’s been around for decades now.