Rolling out now to the service’s public beta is the new Discover section that helps you search, add, and stream any movie or TV show across multiple services. You can finally maintain a single universal watchlist in the Plex app (which is synced across all your Plex apps, on all popular platforms), and when you choose a title, you’ll see all the available places to stream it. When you choose to watch it on Hulu, it will open the Hulu app, and will directly start the media playback (thanks to some deep-linking magic).

There’s another advantage to using Plex’s universal watchlist: Plex will keep track of where a movie or TV show is streaming currently. So even if a TV show leaves HBO Max and moves to Hulu, it won’t suddenly disappear from your watch list.


#technology #streaming #movies #plex

    • GadgeteerZAOP
      22 years ago

      IMDB is a database of movies, not an integration with streaming services with a universal watchlist etc…

        • GadgeteerZAOP
          22 years ago

          Ah, I see another 2 levels deeper there are some links (All Topics / External Sites). But whilst one attached had links to two sites, a James Bond movie for example showed no external links, and neither did The Godfather.

            • GadgeteerZAOP
              22 years ago

              For that movie I also see a link to Amazon Prime, but nothing for Hulu, Netflix, etc. I looked up “Servant of the People” TV series that I’m watching on Netflix, and IMDB shows no link to Netflix.

        • GadgeteerZAOP
          22 years ago

          It does look different now I see. But I only see a watch list functionality, and movie trailers to play. No options to register my external streaming services. Even their Pro service makes no mention of linking to external streaming services to watch full movies.

    • @ree
      22 years ago

      dude that’s amazon , the title is “what apple and google couldn’t”

      Some bullshit title…