I’m not saying that this is the watershed moment when everyone realises that Ukraine actually has very serious problems and that Russians aren’t orcs. But if even the BBC is acknowledging that something is not quite right with these fighters, it could be like the “no, we have to say that Azov are outright Nazis” moment.

Maybe the facade will start to slip.

  • @cfgaussian@lemmygrad.ml
    2 years ago

    I think you are being way too optimistic and reading way too much into this.

    I don’t think the western propaganda machine will allow public opinion to change on Ukraine until long after the war is over.

    • OshinOP
      132 years ago

      Like I say, I’m not hopeful. But little bits of information leaking out puts the MSM in a position where they can’t deny that these guys aren’t Marvel superhero good guys.

      • Weilai Hope
        142 years ago

        Two reasons. Firstly the video is out there now and gone viral so they cant pretend it doesnt exist so they better cover it themselves to get their perspective known, and secondly if this all backfires one day they can say they did report the nazis and nobody listened.