• @Rafael_Luisi@lemmygrad.ml
    152 years ago

    90/80 years ago the fascists where also shitting on liberals and using the liberal failures as an boost to their own popularity, when they where objectivly worse then the liberals. The fascists do know that liberals sucks, they know why they suck, but they dont want to solve the problems, they want to point at the liberal failures and use it as an excuse to why fascists should be on power instead.

    • @Pieroginator@lemmygrad.ml
      132 years ago

      Bingo! They are always known to steal leftist critic and corrupt it for their fucked up nationalistic views, turning capitalists into Jews is the obvious example.

      • Weilai Hope
        62 years ago

        Their obsession with Jews is weird. I guess they really just dont want to blame white people.