If you have any app or resource related to Red Star OS please share it with us.

  • Marxism-Fennekinism
    2 years ago

    The green one reminds me of Linux Mint for some reason. I think they had one in their defaults that resembled it.

    Actually, that would be a banger wallpaper on Mint! Kind of a stealth reference to communism that won’t get you lynched when you open your laptop in public.

    • @PropagandaBot@lemmygrad.mlOP
      22 years ago

      That would look great.

      I like “discreet” communism symbols because where I live you may mention support for the workers, poor and oppressed people as long as you don’t mention socialism or communism (they’ll react as if you’re a cloud cuckoolander or a psycho) nor how capitalism is the root of most global issues and inequality (they’ll resort to the You’re just jealous rhetoric).

      • The Free Penguin
        22 years ago

        For example, I have friends outside of communist circles, so I use “leftist dogwhistles” like putting 734 in some of my usernames (and I suggest people on Lemmygrad do the same so we can identify each other on the internet)

        • @PropagandaBot@lemmygrad.mlOP
          12 years ago

          Thanks for the comment, though I don’t know if there are many widespread shibboleths to identify ourselves and I’m not sure if making a thread about it would be a good idea.