I remember on another forum, it was mentioned there was an arch (and I hope derivatives supported as well) librewolf build for arm-64. I kept the Arch repo somewhere, but it seems I lost it.

Any one with repos URLs, a well as PKGBUILDs URLs and such?

Thanks a lot !

  • @kixikOP
    2 years ago

    yep, that’s what I use, but that’s X86, hehe. Artix, the same way Arch, don’t support Arm, :(

    When I was using Matrix (I dropped it off), in the Librewolf channel, I remember someone shared his/her Arch built repos for Arm-64, which included Librewolf. I thought I kept references somewhere, but I can’t find them, :(

    • @fishonthenetM
      2 years ago

      I asked the arch’s (and more and more) maintainer about this, she said:

      we provide aarch64 and x86_64 builds in the releases there, the PKGBUILD builds both, and librewolf-bin in the AUR provides a prebuilt aarch64 build as well as x86_64

      • @kixikOP
        12 years ago

        Yeap, I was aware, though those binaries are not built specifically with Arch/Artix/derivatives libraries I’d guess, and I’d also guess they are a bit bloated to cover for that, so I prefer using Arch/Artix/derivatives built versions if available, and I read somewhere about Arch specific ones maintained, but another post showed the one, and I finally recovered what I lost, so I actually confirmed that was the one, :)

        Thanks a lot !! Very good to hear about the options.

    • ohfp (she/her)
      12 years ago

      To add to what @fishonthenet@lemmy.ml already said (thanks!): You might’ve thought of the privacyshark repo, which also provides prebuilt binaries for aarch64 as well as x86_64. With the librewolf-bin package on the AUR, you don’t really need it though, unless you want to use some of the other packages in it (eg. signal-desktop or ungoogled-chromium (rebranded as caidao)).