Presumably it’s the link to the comment/post on the instance it was made, but that’s not always the case, so I’m a little confused =/

  • @nutomicA
    92 years ago

    It has the activitypub id of a post/comment. Clicking it brings you to the original instance where the item was posted. And if you want to fetch the item from another instance (eg on Mastodon), you need to use this link, the one from the browser window only works for local items. Honestly the UX isnt ideal yet.

    • @ThannOP
      2 years ago

      I see, thanks for the info. There are some curiosities tho:

      1. It always seems to link to the post and not a comment.
      2. searching on mastodon for either the normal or fedilinks doesn’t return any results
      3. I made this comment from HO, but both the link and fedilink show
      • @nutomicA
        62 years ago

        I see it now, this wasnt properly tested and looks completely broken. Would you open an issue in lemmy-ui?