I’ve seen different perspectives say its either a winning strategy ( they stand to alienate little brother Europe from daddy US, and possibly make them dependent on US natural gas ), or that its a losing strategy ( that in the long term it will only stand to unite China, Russia, India, etc more closely, contribute to de-dollarization, etc)

Do you think the west’s strategy is sound, or are they merely making mistakes typical of dying empires?

  • Mystery_Man@lemmygrad.ml
    2 years ago

    Yeah, I think Russia made a mistake. Though this is entirely ignoring any motives or objectives that Russia/Putin have in this situation and only considering the NATO side.

    The only thing is if this conflict ends fairly quickly, as in not another 20-year Afghanistan, which was S tier for the military contractors who profited from it.

    • Muad'Dibber@lemmygrad.mlOPM
      2 years ago

      They might be okay if they stick to the Donbass, create the new republics, and like you said, don’t let this drag on for too long. I’m sure they don’t wanna have to go through this mess again tho even after those republics get created, and ukraine keeps sending nazi troops.